My Birthday Gift | Вязание, Рукоделие, Вышивание, Шитье, Бисероплетение.

My Birthday Gift

For many years, I have always wanted to have a dildo or a vibrator. But I am afraid that my husband would get offended by it. So, in order to get one, I asked my friend to buy one for me. I told her to pretend that a dildo or a vibrator will be her gift for me on my birthday.

Getting what type of and was easy. I only had to check it online, choose a design and in just minutes, I had already placed my order.

On the night of my birthday, I invited our closest friends at home for dinner. During that gifts were given to me. We enjoyed each others’ company on a simple yet sumptuous meal plus we talked about our never ending stories.

When our guests finally went home, I hurriedly brought my gifts into our room and put them all on our bed. I opened the gifts one by one. Of course, to build up the excitement, I had to open the sex toy the last.

When I opened it, I screamed as if I was so surprised of the gift. My husband laughed at me and asked me if we could use it. Without thinking twice, I said yes. We used the sex toy right away. It was indeed the greatest birthday gift I ever received.

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| Опубликовано Гость в 9 ноябрь, 2011 - 15:43.

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