How to Make Your Own Photo Charm Bracelet | Вязание, Рукоделие, Вышивание, Шитье, Бисероплетение.

How to Make Your Own Photo Charm Bracelet

The charm bracelet is the subject of photography used in the memory of special people or events in the life of an individual. The style of the jewels in the final analysis, depends on the object depicted in the photos along with your design ideas. With all the options available through online stores and craft physical, can be a fun project and easy to create your bracelet picture.

Step 1
Select your photos. Select photos are clear and can allow you to crop and enlarge the image area you are interested in your piece.

Step 2
Buy a photo charm bracelet for you. There are different types to choose from, including those with pre-made circles, rectangles and squares in a double and single bands. For example, you can choose to buy only one empty square full band for the surface image and the spots of color images and objects without images. In addition, you can also find a wide range of DIY kits and frames, which may be related lonely.

Step 3
Choose accessories (pendants that include a variety of other images and stone), and various kinds of magic (metal, wire, wood) to be included in the project, reflecting the style.

Step 4
Upload photos to your computer and open software for photo editing. There are several image editing tools available online. Here you can increase the size, remove red eye and form frames.

Step 5
After the pictures, as they imagined, print them on photo paper, high quality with the highest resolution possible. Enough time to dry.

Step 6
After the pictures are dry, cut to fit your facilities. You will need to reduce the image slightly "larger than the frame, will be implemented to ensure a proper fit is true. Be aware that you can always cut a little" more, if the picture is too big for the frame. If you cut too much, it is likely to appear in the reprint.

Step 7
Use a light glue or tape to attach images to the empty looms. When the situation is the way they like, using photo-safe spray or use the image top and cover with a certain frame. Such images will secure and less prone to water damage.

Step 8
Attach the charm and accessories with tongs or a self-contained clip.

Step 9
Consider leaving some space for future events on the cuff. If the news of events or important people in your life, you may want to include future experience there.

Step 10
Wear your photo charm bracelet with pride. If people are asking a piece, make sure to tell them that you've made. Who knows ... You may just have a new business venture on the horizon!

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| Опубликовано Гость в 5 июль, 2012 - 08:18.
